Useful languages websites

  • Digital Dialects
    Fab games in an abundance of languages!
  • Think German
    Learning German just makes sense!
  • Mein Deutschbuch
    A German website aimed at learners of German, with tests and comprehensive grammar sections.
  • World wide Christmas
    Christmas songs and world wide Christmas tree contest
  • Try life in another language
    Part of channel 4s campaign to promote languages. Very cool website with lots of information catering for a huge range of interests.
  • WordReference
    A dictionary which provides a range of languages as well as sound files and grammar. Highly recommended!
  • Letter writing in German
    It does what it says on the tin!
  • UK German Connection
    Meet real German people and find out lots of interesting stuff about Germany.
  • VERBcast
    French grammar on your iPod. It's actually better than it sounds. Honestly!
  • Atantot
    Fun website for key stages 2 to 4. You need to log in to use it, ask your langauges teacher for details.
  • Leo
    Quick and easy German-English dictionary!
  • YJC
    A languages websites that offers everything: games, blog, resources...
  • S Cool
    Brilliant revision website for GCSE and A-Level. Very interactive and a lot of fun.
  • Logo
    German news website for children.
  • ZUT! GUT! OYE!
    Great for topic revision. Please note, it's subscription only from 9-4 on weekdays, so this is one for doing at home after school.
  • Languages Online
    Great for revising topics at home.
  • Languages Work
    We know and love Languages Work thanks to the posters around our department. Find out why learning a language always makes sense.
  • Extr@
    Channel 4's cool language learning website.
  • BBC Languages
    Mainly aimed at adults, but great for TV programmes.
  • BBC Bitesize GCSE revision
    A classic. Revision with the BBC.
  • Alien Language
    The aliens are on a mission to collect creatures from around the galaxy. Blast off and learn the parts of the body with them.
  • Hennings Haus
    How good is your German? Go to Hennings Haus to play some great games which will help improve your knowledge of German.
  • Chez Mimi
    How good is your French? Join the residents of Chez Mimi who have some great games for you to play to improve your knowledge of French.
  • Glogster
    Bored of making your posters with coloured pencils, scissors and glue sticks? Make a glog instead! Please note, this website still does not work properly when logged-in in school, but we're working on it!
  • Go animate
    Anyone can animate!
  • Voki
    Funny website which lets you make your own talking person (or pet!). Type in your text, then choose from different languages and voices.
  • Toondoo
    Very cool website that allows you to make cartoons in different languages.
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Miss Telgmann

Sing along to this one, too!

Ich sehe, dass du denkst
Ich denke dass du fühlst
Ich fühle dass du willst
aber ich hör dich nicht ich

hab mir ein Wörterbuch geliehen
dir A bis Z ins Ohr geschrieen
Ich stapel tausend wirre Worte auf
die dich am Ärmel ziehen

Und wo du hingehen willst
Ich häng an deinen Beinen
Wenn du schon auf den Mund fallen musst
Warum dann nicht auf meinen

Oh bitte gib mir nur ein Wort
Bitte gib mir nur ein Oh
Bitte gib mir nur ein
Bitte bitte gib mir nur ein Wort

Es ist verrückt wie schön du schweigst
Wie du dein hübsches Köpfchen neigst
Und so der ganzen lauten Welt und mir
die kalte Schulter zeigst

Dein Schweigen ist dein Zelt
Du stellst es mitten in die Welt

Spannst die Schnüre und staunst stumm wenn
Nachts ein Mädchen drüber fällt

Zu deinen Füssen red ich mich
um Kopf und Kragen
Ich will in deine tiefen Wasser
Große Wellen schlagen

Oh bitte gib mir nur ein Wort

In meinem Blut werfen
die Endorphine Blasen
Wenn hinter deinen stillen
Hasenaugen die Gedanken rasen

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